Reflecting on Software Engineering
18 Dec 2020
I’ve come to learn some extremely important concepts throughout this semester, many of which I’ll take with me in the future when moving on to different classes and different projects. Some of these concepts were new to me and some...
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The Foundations of Programming
03 Dec 2020
Design patterns are an important aspect of coding. Design patterns act as a template to base your code off of. These various patterns allow someone to easily find a solution to problems that fit the characteristics of a design pattern....
Design Patterns
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Frameworks are worth the investment
08 Oct 2020
After spending time learning and implementing a UI Framework such as Semantic UI, it becomes abundantly obvious on why these sorts of frameworks are commonly used. As I said in a prior essay, I did take a class that focused...
UI Frameworks
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Future Investments
24 Sep 2020
Coding is a language, a way of communication. Code not only has the function of communicating with a computer, but it is also important to communicate with other people trying to look at and read our code. Just like how...
Coding Standards
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My Interests
04 Sep 2020
Ever since I was in highschool I was at a loss on what exactly what I wanted to do in life. I always answered that I would be an computer science major or an engineer major depending on my mood....
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