My Interests

04 Sep 2020

Ever since I was in highschool I was at a loss on what exactly what I wanted to do in life. I always answered that I would be an computer science major or an engineer major depending on my mood. It was clear to me that I wanted to work in technology since I was interested in computers and video games. I ended up dropping my engineer interests when I lost all motivation in that field, so i ended up back in computer science which was what I was originally planning on looking into.

To me in this day and age, technology going to be the future, and being in a field related to technology is the clear step towards getting a job in the world. Especially now, where the economy is where it is at due to the virus, I feel like technology and software development is clearly going to have to be relied upon even more. When I considered all of this, it was just clear that this is the path I should go, but on the other hand, I have dreams of someday making my own game or at least working within the gaming industry. Being in this field also can serve to both achieve my dreams as well as a comfortable back-up if I end up not making the cut for that.

One thing that I really hope I develop in this class is the grit to continue projects. I have ADHD, so I have trouble with committing to projects and goals that I want to accomplish. I always end up starting one project, forget about it the next day, and start a new one another time. It is a thing I struggled with, and I was struggling to think about projects I have done in the past because of this.