Future Investments

24 Sep 2020

Coding is a language, a way of communication. Code not only has the function of communicating with a computer, but it is also important to communicate with other people trying to look at and read our code. Just like how correct grammar and syntax are important in normal languages like English, coding standards are important for programming languages. The function of programming standards is to help us create easy to read code which is important to people trying to look at and try to figure out what our code does. This communication is just as important as the function of the code itself.

Coding standards also has the function of helping ourselves understand our own code. If I were to make an extremely long coding project in the future, I would have to reference and look back at my own code. Coding standards helps myself be able to recognize and easily read the code that I wrote in the past which helps save on time trying to decipher my own code.

Even if it takes some time to go over every single ESLint error, I still think it will be worth the effort in the end. It is just taking time to learn something that will, in the end, help save me a lot of time and energy in the future.