Video Editing Project

In Highschool, I had a very keen interest in content creation. I was very inspired by many artists and Youtubers, so I ended up spending a lot of time learning how to use certain editing software like Sony Vegas and Photoshop, in order to edit pictures and videos. I never actually did make my own YouTube videos, but I still kept the skills I learned with me, and it has become fairly useful in certain situations. One such situation was in my Junior year Highschool.

In my old Highschool Physics class, we had to do a fun group project where we each had to create a video project; the subject of the video had to correlate with the current subject that we were learning in the class. My friends and I thought it was fun to take this project seriously, using my various skills in video editing. This was a project that took a ton of coordination between my partners and I in order to complete. We had to brainstorm ideas and script out scenes; then, we had to go out and film these scenes. My friends were the ones that invested their time into that specific process. Then, I had to compile all the video clips together and put then together in order to complete the project.

This project taught me a lot about coordination and video editing. I learned that a lot of the ideas and direction that I decided to go with was completely different from what my friends had in mind, so I had to coordinate with them in order to satisfy both of our visions of the project. I also had to create my own assets and special effects using Photoshop and After Effects, Adobe After Effects being a program that I have never used before. From scratch, I had to learn a brand new program and implement effects into the video. Thought various tutorials that I found on Google and Youtube, I was able to learned the program and accomplish the goals I had with that program. Learning this taught me how to pick up skills fast and effectively and made me realize the many different and useful resources there are on the internet for these sorts of programs.